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Displaying 1341-1350 out of 2432 results.

New guns on the block

A military company run by President Museveni’s brother and some South African mercenaries is being financed by a mystery donor in the Gulf

Saracen International, a Ugandan-based private security firm, is the latest armed party to intervene in Somalia’s civil war. Speculation abounds about its true role. Just as intriguing are its covert financiers,...

The bombing of Kiir Adem

Khartoum’s deadly bombardment of a border village shows growing desperation at the prospects of Southern succession next year

Three weeks before the referendum on Southern Sudan, it is clear that the scheduled simultaneous vote on the Abyei area’s future will not go ahead on 9 January....

Ruto takes on the courts

Sacked from the cabinet and accused of involvement in the 2007 election violence, William Ruto comes out fighting

The point of William Ruto's voluntary mission to the Hague to meet investigators at the International Criminal Court on 4-6 November became clear when he returned to Nairobi. Throngs of...

Abyei's protocol problems

Abyei is still waiting, while Southerners register for their own referendum

The National Congress Party (NCP) carried its brinkmanship beyond the 30 November deadline set by Abyei's Dinka Ngok leaders – and the requisite Referendum Commission had still not been set up....

Abyei waits

Khartoum fights its corner over the Abyei referendum and outflanks the SPLM and the United States

The devastated foundations of former buildings and burnt out lorries dot the town of Abyei, a haunting reminder to residents of the May 2008 attack which razed it...

Oil to play for

More than a billion barrels of oil under Lake Albert may help transform the country’s economy but will not determine outcome of the 2011 elections

The tussle between the government and the oil companies wanting to exploit Lake Albert’s oil fields has hit deadlock over US$404 million which the government says is owed...

Bye-bye Mr Speaker

The election puts corruption centre-stage

Only 42% of eligible voters went to the polls. Many are taking it as a sign that the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi government needs to tackle corruption or...

Bullets over Darfur

China has breached the United Nations arms embargo on Darfur by failing to ‘take the necessary measures to prevent the supply of arms and related materiel of all...

TAZARA troubles

China’s flagship African railroad project continues to lose money, and Chinese management may be brought in to avoid throwing more good money after bad. Built in the 1970s,...

Displaying 1341-1350 out of 2432 results.