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Displaying 1331-1340 out of 2432 results.

The Abyei crucible

As Southern Sudan celebrates, neighbouring Abyei is a war zone. Clashes began on 7 January between a Northern Missiriya militia and well trained Southern commandos wearing police uniforms....

Telling the story

As the 13 May deadline for the Nile Basin Initiative Cooperative Framework looms, Egyptian efforts to stop the deal have become more apparent. The stances taken by Burundi...

Freedom – North and South

As Southerners vote to secede from the North, some Northern politicians see a chance to undermine the NCP regime in Khartoum

As Southern Sudanese prepare to celebrate independence after the 9-15 January referendum, Northern oppositionists talk of overthrowing the ruling National Congress Party. They have not spoken out so...

He’s back on top again

President Museveni seems set for another win but with a stronger, more fractious parliament and the usual oil problems

The opposition parties have neither the will nor the capacity seriously to challenge President Yoweri Museveni’s government in the elections due in mid-February. Yet the opposition is likely...

The TFG’s August deadline

Outsiders prop up a regime which moves slowly, if at all, towards a constitution and legitimate rule

Next August, Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government is due to wind up, to be replaced by a new government under a new constitution. Last July, the TFG received a...

Careful what you wear

After a film of a woman screaming in pain as Khartoum policemen whipped her for wearing trousers had gone around the world on the internet, the Government of...

ICC has Kenyan politicians on the run

The Kenyan Parliament has been tying itself in constitutional knots after passing a motion – which risks being in conflict with the new constitution – to repeal the...

Beijing’s balancing act

Usually a supporter of territorial integrity, Beijing is making plans to adapt to the prospect of an oil-rich and independent Southern Sudan

Sudan is set to split into two next year, and China – the Khartoum regime’s most important international backer – is stuck in the middle. Under the 2005...

Ocampo names six suspects

President Mwai Kibaki’s government is in turmoil following the naming of some of its ministers as responsible for the post-election violence in 2008

Two days before the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, named the six men he wants to prosecute for their role in the political violence, President Mwai...

Don’t be vague, let’s go to the Hague

A day after Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo’s 15 December naming of the six people wanted by the International Criminal Court, Kenya’s Parliament was debating a private member’s bill....

Displaying 1331-1340 out of 2432 results.