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Displaying 1281-1290 out of 2432 results.

Juba promises continuity for Asian investors

The Asian companies which exploit Sudan’s oil are holding on tight as tensions mount over Abyei and a new constitutional order is created in the South

As Khartoum and Juba discussed new oil arrangements in Addis Ababa, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) seized control of the contested district of Abyei on 19-21 May. Nevertheless,...

Fighting for Abyei

Bombing and looting on the North-South border this week may undermine Sudan’s formal partition in July

The Khartoum regime’s all-out military attack on and occupation of the strategic region of Abyei is part of its hardening policy in the lead-up to Southern Sudan’s independence...

Long memories in Abyei

1820: Official start of Southern liberation struggle, as just proclaimed by Government of South Sudan (GOSS); shows how important history is in Sudan

Prosperity and paranoia

Sinister rumours and grenade attacks coexist with the government’s proud economic record

Weapons at the ready, soldiers and police line the main roads out of Kigali in the afternoons. Few of President Paul Kagame’s critics speak out within Rwanda (AC...

All the way down

Burundi has a few things in common with Rwanda. One is United States’ gratitude for its soldiers’ work in peacekeeping: Rwandans serve in Darfur, Sudan, and Burundians in...

Shaky Guelleh snubs ICC

In the face of growing internal opposition to his arbitrary rule and stolen elections, President Ismail Omar Guelleh has been strengthening relations with Sudan (AC Vol 52 No...

Blue Nile blues

Egypt’s revolution seems to have boosted prospects for a settlement with Ethiopia over the Nile waters dispute. Cairo’s interim Prime Minister, Essam Abdel Aziz Sharaf, made a cordial...

Bellingham brings warrants

Britain’s Africa Minister Henry Bellingham was in Nairobi ‘promoting British interests’, officials said. However, few expected that to include delivering extradition warrants for two prominent Kenyans for fraud...

Shouting insults

As Eritrea looks forward to serious earnings from gold, the old quarrel with Ethiopia is heating up again

After more than a decade complaining that they are the wronged party, top Ethiopian officials busily explain their new campaign to overthrow the neighbouring regime of President Issayas...

Indicted war criminal fights election

Khartoum’s ruling party tries to hold on to its base in Kordofan, a springboard for operations in Abyei and the South

It was clear that Ahmed Mohamed Haroun had lost his bid to be elected Governor of Southern Kordofan when the National Congress Party sent Presidential Assistant Nafi’e Ali...

Displaying 1281-1290 out of 2432 results.