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Displaying 1241-1250 out of 2432 results.

Military momentum

The impetus for the opposition’s new determination comes from the military success of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. The SPLA-N says...

Oil in troubled waters

Accusations in Kampala of high-level corporate bribery are as much about politics as business

Documents purporting to show that Ireland’s Tullow Oil made corrupt payments of 16.5 million euros (US$22.59 mn.) to Uganda’s Foreign Minister, Sam Kahamba Kutesa, and other state officials...

BAE Systems’ fine dilemma

Confusion still surrounds British arms company BAE Systems’ failure to make its promised ex-gratia payment of £29.5 million (US$45.6 mn.) to Tanzania, as part of a global settlement...

Ministry of power struggles

Accusations of corruption in the electricity industry persist, as do the chronic shortages that undermine the economy and public services

A scandal in the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has brought attention to a troubled area of government, greed among members of parliament and Tanzania’s chronic electricity crisis....

Uhuru looks back in anger

President Kibaki’s heir-apparent mulls his defence at the Hague while his allies ponder whether to hand him over in the event of a trial

Throughout September, Kenyans were glued to television screens as the International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, presided over the confirmation of the charges of crimes against humanity...

Al Shabaab sets the agenda

Little appears to connect the UN-brokered road map for political reconciliation with the ambitions of Al Shabaab or Western strategists

The suicide bombing by Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen on 4 October killed over 70 people and injured hundreds more. This was the jihadists’ response to increasing...

Terrorist listing

One leaked United States cable must have pleased a Khartoum regime eager toescape the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list. A ‘confidential’ note from the Khartoum Embassy of...

To Berbera and beyond

A Chinese company is backing infrastructure projects to develop secessionist Somaliland and give Ethiopia greater access to the sea

Port and energy deals signed between a private Chinese company and the breakaway government of Somaliland should provide the region with the most important boost it has ever...

Questions facing the new regime

After seven weeks of negotiation, Salva appoints the first independent government amid concern about accountability and national cohesion

Although the first post-Independence Government announced on 26 August better distributed portfolios among the three Southern regions – with a visible power shift from the Dinka-dominated Nilotic bloc...

Displaying 1241-1250 out of 2432 results.