Vol 53 No 13 | TANZANIA Reforming power 22nd June 2012 The shock government audit and cabinet reshuffle prompt a push for major change in the energy sector Although Jakaya Kikwete sacked Energy and Minerals Minister William Ngeleja, one of eight to go in April’s reshuffle, many of the power sector’s problems remain.
Vol 53 No 13 | TANZANIA New broom passed over 22nd June 2012 Prior to Sospeter Muhongo’s appointment, the conventional wisdom in Dodoma was that an ambitious young Chama cha Mapinduzi member of parliament, January Makamba, would get outgoing Energy and...
Vol 53 No 13 | SUDAN No horizon 22nd June 2012 Though this week’s protests in the capital were ostensibly against austerity measures, demonstrators were calling for the government’s overthrow: ‘Khartoum rise up, rise up, we won’t be ruled...
Vol 53 No 12 | RWANDACONGO-KINSHASA Who fights for whom 8th June 2012 Mutinous factions along the border are exploited by both governments, and Hutu-Tutsi quarrels live on No one watching the fighting in eastern Congo-Kinshasa was surprised when the United Nations reported in May that Rwanda was directly involved.
Vol 5 (AAC) No 8 | ERITREACHINABRIEFING A golden entrance 1st June 2012 Australian mining firm Chalice Gold Mines announced on 27 April that it would sell its 60% stake in the Zara gold mine in Eritrea to China Shanghai Corporation...
Vol 53 No 11 | SUDANSOUTH SUDAN Sanctions threat drives talks 25th May 2012 Juba scrambles to regain the diplomatic initiative ahead of a new round of talks on oil and security with Khartoum Economic and diplomatic pressures will probably push the governments of Juba and Khartoum back to negotiations on oil and border issues before the end of May. This follows...
Vol 53 No 11 | SUDAN Rockets and meetings 25th May 2012 Khartoum blames Israel for bombing Port Sudan again while the opposition gets on with some planning The airstrike that killed the driver of a four-by-four vehicle in a Port Sudan suburb just before 8 a.m. on 22 May added to the pressure on the...
Vol 53 No 11 | UGANDA Wars of the succession 25th May 2012 Parliament becomes an arena for the increasingly tense contest for the presidential succession A third leadership hopeful, Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga, has joined Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi, the governing National Resistance Movement Secretary General, and the Justice Minister,...
Vol 53 No 10 | ETHIOPIA Development over democracy 11th May 2012 International financial institutions rank Ethiopia as one of the fastest growing economies but debates rage over its political strategy and regional role As business and political leaders descend on Addis Ababa for the World Economic Forum on 9-11 May, Premier Meles Zenawi’s government will be trumpeting its economic achievements. Visitors...
Vol 53 No 10 | ETHIOPIA Running water, vaulting ambition 11th May 2012 Four big hydroelectric projects are in operation, with another four under construction. They include Gilgel Gibe III on the Omo River, a dam which, say critics, will significantly...