Vol 55 No 1 | MALI Reconciliation and repression 10th January 2014 Preventing ethnic conflict will be a major priority, but special interests threaten to interfere Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta has passed the key electoral tests. He holds a decisive presidential mandate and the National Assembly is in place (AC Vol 54 No 17, IBK's...
Vol 55 No 1 | NIGERIA Goodluck Jonathan loses the numbers game 20th December 2013 The defections in the House of Representatives have stripped the President's party of its majority and boost the opposition coalition This year started with a row between President Goodluck Jonathan and former President Olusegun Obasanjo; and it is ending with a second and bigger row between the two....
Vol 54 No 25 | NIGERIA Presidential letter bombs 12th December 2013 Private letters to President Jonathan from General Obasanjo and Bank Governor Sanusi warn of deepening financial and political threats The leaking this week of two damning letters to President Goodluck Jonathan was surely no coincidence and fires a powerful broadside against his government and his plans to...
Vol 54 No 25 | NIGERIA The fire in Jonathan's backyard 12th December 2013 Piracy, oil theft and sectional rivalries are spinning out of control in the Delta, the political heartland of President Jonathan The idea that choosing a President and a Petroleum Minister from the Niger Delta would be the best way to tackle the crisis in the oil and gas...
Vol 54 No 25 | SIERRA LEONE Changing the constitution 12th December 2013 After two seats controversially changed hands, the governing All People’s Congress (APC) is just one seat short of a two-thirds majority in Parliament. That’s the vote needed, if...
Vol 54 No 25 | SENEGAL Sall struggles to stay on course 6th December 2013 The President needs big ideas to win elections and keep the faith of his allies, and turn around a sluggish economy. Yet he has been losing friends and momentum President Macky Sall arrived in Paris on 4 December for the African security summit with a diminished entourage. Although he brought a full complement of ministers and soldiers,...
Vol 7 (AAC) No 2 | NIGERIACHINA Construction boom ahead 30th November 2013 Nigeria's state-backed mortgage provider FMBN is in talks with two Chinese financial institutions about a US$6 bn. loan for new housing With the national population reaching 174 million this year, the the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria estimates the housing deficit at 17 mn. units. However, talks led by...
Vol 7 (AAC) No 2 | MALI Astan Coulibaly 30th November 2013 Candididate for the Mouvement Destin Commun, Mali The Shanghai-born pharmacist is standing in Mali’s 25 November and 15 December legislative elections and is the country's first candidate to hold Chinese citizenship.
Vol 7 (AAC) No 2 | SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPECHINATAIWAN Move closer 30th November 2013 After allowing China to open a trade office in November, São Tomé is fending off claims that it may abandon Taiwan, its diplomatic ally Prime Minister Gabriel Costa is walking a fine line by encouraging investment from both China and Taiwan. Chinese oil companies play a crucial role in oil exploration, but...
Vol 7 (AAC) No 2 | SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPECHINA Ins and outs of the oil companies 30th November 2013 São Tomé e Príncipe’s Agência Nacional do Petróleo signed a production-sharing contract with the Hong Kong-registered private oil company Sinoangol for Block 2 in its Exclusive Economic Zone...