Vol 55 No 23 | NIGERIA After the bombing, Jonathan declares 21st November 2014 Despite security and economic crises, Jonathan wins his party’s support for a second term while the opposition faces a leadership contest The candidate's declaration speech is, by tradition, a key moment in the theatre of Nigerian politics. President Goodluck Jonathan's rally in Abuja on 11 November to announce that... READ FOR FREE
Vol 55 No 23 | NIGERIA Policies, what policies? 21st November 2014 The received wisdom on Nigeria's elections is that they are all about money and mobilisation. Despite sheaves of glossy manifestos rolling off the presses, acres of newsprint devoted...
Vol 55 No 23 | GHANA Oil price down, debts up 21st November 2014 Movement on a deal between the government and the IMF is slowing as concern grows over ballooning debts Hopes that the government would agree a three-year programme worth US$1 billion with the International Monetary Fund this month have been thwarted by worries over debt, deficits and...
Vol 55 No 22 | BURKINA FASO Pressure mounts on Zida 7th November 2014 The public is unhappy with Compaoré’s replacement by one of his Praetorians and many fear for the fate of their revolution In the immediate aftermath of the overthrow of President Blaise Compaoré last week, no one knew who was in charge. Gradually, towards the end of the country’s most...
Vol 55 No 22 | SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPE Trovoada's return 7th November 2014 Former Prime Minister Patrice Trovoada has crowned an unlikely comeback with an emphatic victory in the 12 October legislative elections. One thing hasn't changed, however: his strained relationship...
Vol 55 No 22 | BURKINA FASO The warning from Ouagadougou 1st November 2014 The overthrow of Blaise Compaoré sends a powerful message from the street to other leaders planning to extend their rule One of Africa's canniest operators, Blaise Compaoré, was forced out of power on 31 October as over 100,000 protestors in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso demanded his exit. Unable to...
Vol 55 No 21 | MALI Crisis returns as talks falter 24th October 2014 Negotiations over the future of the north have resumed without much sign of any rapprochement Lethal attacks by jihadists on United Nations' forces and armed clashes among Tuareg factions take place against a background of another round of sluggish peace talks in Algiers....
Vol 55 No 21 | NIGERIAITALY Follow the money 24th October 2014 A leak from Italian prosecutors reveals more details about the recipients of the US$800 million from the OPL 245 licence sale Telephone taps of Italian middlemen in the deal over Oil Prospecting Licence 245 reveal extraordinary detail about the manoeuvring that led to the agreement between the Nigerian government,...
Vol 55 No 21 | NIGERIASOUTH AFRICA Clash of the Titans 24th October 2014 Relations between South Africa and Nigeria have plunged to new depths. South African ex-President Thabo Mbeki and Nigerian ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo are working behind the scenes to try...
Vol 55 No 20 | NIGERIA ENI in the cross-hairs 10th October 2014 Italian prosecutors want British help in investigating ENI for possible bribery of Nigerian officials Italian public prosecutors have asked Britain to freeze an account holding US$85 million in their preliminary investigation into whether top officials in the ENI oil company conspired to...