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Displaying 761-770 out of 2376 results.

Blaming Blaise

Ouagadougou is awash with speculation about connections between the jihadists who attacked the capital on 15 January and ex-President Blaise Compaoré's now-disbanded Praetorian guard, the Régiment de sécurité...

Big tests beckon for Buhari

The country's new broom has to rebuild the economy and face down Boko Haram against the background of a depleted treasury

Fortunately for Muhammadu Buhari, who still harbours deep frustration with partisan politicking, his agenda in 2016 will be dominated by the issues on which he is most engaged...


Power cuts may sway polls

After two near electoral misses, Nana Akufo-Addo has got the wind in his sails ahead of November's elections

On the face of it, a shrinking economy, a crippling power crisis and a string of corruption scandals will strongly favour the opposition in presidential and parliamentary elections...

Issoufou the insouciant

The Islamist threat secures foreign support but the President is courting danger by ignoring widespread discontent

The coming presidential election in February and March dominates all political calculations in Niamey at the moment. At least half a dozen candidates are already in the running,...

President on probation

The new leader will have to stick to his big promises. Society has acquired a taste for justice and scrutiny and is in no mood for excuses

President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré received a solid mandate from the electorate in November and the election received a clean bill of health (AC Vol 56 No 24)....

    Vol 57 No 1 |
  • MALI

Tough people, weak leader

Unless the President takes a much firmer grip, the year ahead will not see a breakthrough on the country's many crises

The portents are mixed. Despite the shock of November's murderous attack on the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, there are some grounds for encouragement (AC Vol 56 No...

ADO looks ahead

Reconciling the nation, purging the army and restoring a stable political culture are the President's big challenges in his second term

President Alassane Dramane Ouattara's second term in office will be about bestowing a legacy of lasting political stability and economic reconstruction when he leaves office in 2020. He...

Sall tries to look strong

Despite the success of some development projects, politics is stagnant and the economy still refuses to spring to life

On being elected in 2012, President Macky Sall promised to reduce the presidential term from seven to five years. His predecessor, Abdoulaye Wade, had said he would make...

Taking down Tompolo

As politics fizz and oil prices crash, the government targets the capo di tutti i capi of the Niger Delta militants

One of the shrewdest and wealthiest militant leaders in the Niger Delta, High Chief Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo, faces a legal battle that could provoke a new political...

Soro has phone trouble

The former rebel leader is a problem for the President, who may now have the means to dispense with his disreputable ally

The Speaker of the Ivorian Parliament, former rebel leader and ex-Prime Minister Guillaume Soro, made a lot of telephone calls to the men responsible for September's attempted coup...

Displaying 761-770 out of 2376 results.