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Displaying 471-480 out of 2376 results.

Portents over the presidency

Rumours swirl around who the candidates will be and whether any of them can quell simmering public resentment

Ivorians go to the polls in October in what promises to be a no-holds-barred battle for the presidency. The main contenders are familiar – possibly too familiar to...

Presidential action replay

The odds favour the incumbent in this year’s presidential elections – a return match of 2016 – but by a much-reduced margin

Eleven months ahead of national elections, the best guess is that President Nana Addo Akufo-Addo will win more narrowly than he did in 2016 and his New Patriotic...

    Vol 61 No 1 |
  • MALI

Advantage jihadists

Domestic political jockeying and stop-start funding for peacekeeping leave Bamako a sitting target for the Islamist insurgents

For President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta the new year brings renewed diplomatic pressure – and not just from an international community exasperated by the lack of progress in implementing...

Not yet, Generalissimo

The lack of trust between government and activists over civil rights reflects the country’s deepening security crisis

It was Muhammadu Buhari's military credentials that persuaded many Nigerians to trust him on security issues in 2015, at a time when insurgents had taken over more than...

Talons on display

Although final details of a controversial constitutional reform are yet to be confirmed, President Patrice Talon has maintained a hardline stance on controversial constitutional reforms and rebuffed an...

Hard economics meets political pageantry

Closing borders, President Buhari wants to boost local producers and stop the smugglers while most politicians look to the next election

Listening to the political class in Abuja, Lagos or Port Harcourt, you might be unaware that the country is locked in an epic battle over the direction of...


Iron back on track

A mining rights sale linked to railways sets off an iron rush of sorts and promises to open up the sub-region

The granting of the much-coveted multi-billion-dollar Simandou South iron ore concession in Guinea to a Chinese-backed consortium promises to shake up regional mining industry dynamics and the political...

Hefty down payment for 2020

President Akufo-Addo's government wants to engineer a pre-election boom without the usual economic meltdown afterwards

With national elections a year away, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta tried to combine political bullishness and banker's caution when he read the 2020 budget statement in parliament on...

Oil majors tax threat

The Nigerian government plans to raise an extra US$1 billion next year in royalties from the oil majors as it struggles to fund a record budget and curb...

Displaying 471-480 out of 2376 results.