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Displaying 2371-2376 out of 2376 results.

Big sister's olive branch

Brigadier Maada Bio wants a family reconciliation to help end the rebel war

Freetown may be stumbling into a peace deal of sorts with the rebels it has been fighting for the last four years. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio and his...

The clocks go back

Africa's second coup of the year in Niamey had been brewing as long as its first in Freetown. Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim Barré Mainassara, the former army Chief of...

Rolling with the punches

Vice-President Arkaah's claim that President Rawlings beat him up helps the opposition

Whatever happened at the 28 December Cabinet meeting at State House, it is helping the opposition's campaign for this year's elections. According to President Jerry Rawlings' supporters, his...

Improbable poll

Prospects that the elections will be held, as scheduled, on 26 February are diminishing. The major parties contesting the poll remain in confusion, much of the logistical work...

The change is permanent

1966 was the year for military coups, in both French and English-speaking West and Equatorial Africa. The most serious by far for us was that in Nigeria

Nigeria has changed for ever. It has got a military regime which the great mass of the population has accepted – in the South and among intellectuals, with...


Displaying 2371-2376 out of 2376 results.