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Displaying 2341-2350 out of 2363 results.

    Vol 37 No 10 |
  • MALI

Gold gain goes

BHP-Utah, the country's biggest foreign mining concern, is selling up and pulling out of Mali. And according to an industry source it blames 'an unhappy mix between arrogant...

Sacking the Sultan

Dethroning Dasuki and cocking a snook at the Commonwealth will not solve the crisis

These are busy days for General Sani Abacha. Critics of his slow work rate and his indecisiveness are revising their opinions. In one week, he has sacked the...

General Chameleon

Minority parties helped return Kérékou to power with some help from his old friends

Mathieu Kérékou is back in power. Benin's electors preferred the strongman they once rejected to Nicéphore Soglo, the economic reformer whose policies brought them scant rewards. Benin's...

Edging and hedging

President Ahmad Tejan Kabba is edging towards some form of agreement with Foday Sankoh's Revolutionary United Front following their talks at Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire on 22-23 April....

Changing the guard

General Sani Abacha's sacking of his Chief of Army Staff, Major General Alwali Kazir, and Chief of Air Staff, Air Vice-Marshall Femi John Femi, was a punishment, we...

Falling out parade

Civilians eagerly voted the military out but they ignore the soldiers at their peril

Demanding elections and calling the military's bluff in the middle of a civil war was always going to be a high risk strategy. Yet it may have worked,...

Diamonds, dollars and democracy

Sensing the war is dying down, Lebanese diamond traders are swiftly moving back into centres such as Kono in the east. They are keen to regain control of...

Last chance alliance

Personal ambition has again got the better of hopes for a united opposition front

Articulate, persuasive and wealthy; for many, Kwame Pianim seemed the best candidate the opposition could put up against Jerry Rawlings in this year' s presidential election. Pianim' s...

Soldiers' schemes

Western support for democracy is being tested by Niger's military rulers who seized power on 21 January. On 25 March, the European Union decided, against French pressure, to...

Monrovia muggings

Tension is rising in Monrovia. National Patriotic Front of Liberia leader Charles Taylor and United Liberation Movement -Krahn (Ulimo-K) leader Alhaji G.V.Kromah have banded together against Liberia Peace...

Displaying 2341-2350 out of 2363 results.