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Displaying 2321-2330 out of 2376 results.

Second thoughts

Speculation about General Sani Abacha's political ambitions dominates the calculations of aspiring presidential candidates who had wanted to throw their hats in the ring before the 15 March...

Sankoh sticks out

The rebels are blocking a new UN plan to get peace efforts moving again

Back in the thick of things is Corporal Foday Sankoh, leader of the Revolutionary United Front. Three months after signing a peace agreement in Abidjan with President Ahmad...

Budget block

Bold plans to privatise and liberalise seem to have been shelved until the military leave

The soldiers have blocked Finance Minister Anthony Ani’s bold plans to open up the economy. So is the argument over? Not yet, according to well-placed sources. They say...

    Vol 38 No 3 |
  • TOGO

Still at the helm

Eyadéma celebrated 30 years in charge but few foreign guests came to the party

The 'Great Helmsman' celebrated his 30th year at the tiller on 13 January with a five-hour parade of troops and civilians costing, by local estimates, over US$2 million....

Booming and bombing

The coming oil boom has upped the stakes in the escalating confrontation between the government and its opponents

There is no grand design to the violence that is wracking the country. Government supporters and oppositionists are pursuing vendettas against each other and a shadowy third force...

Biligual diplomacy

General Sani Abacha's 31 December announcement that by stepping up French teaching, Nigeria will in 'a very short time' become bilingual is a shrewd diplomatic move, however unrealistic...

Rawlings does it

Although it lost the presidency, the opposition alliance will be a real force in the new parliament

Jerry Rawlings has delivered the knockout blow he had promised for the 7 December presidential election (AC Vol 37 No 22), finishing some fifteen points ahead of his...

Sankoh signs up

Foday Sankoh's Revolutionary United Front has been badly damaged, with 'spontaneous demobilisations' in the east. So it was expected to sign the draft Peace Agreement in Abidjan on...

    Vol 37 No 23 |
  • MALI

Surviving and thriving

Democracy seems to be working well here – to the irritation of military neighbours

The coup was a flop and President Alpha Oumar Konaré is looking even stronger than before. On 28 October Konaré's security services clamped down on a group of...

Shooting in the mansion

After fighting up country, the warlords bring their battles to the government offices

The personal vendettas in Monrovia are only part of the real battle for control of Liberia that is being fought out in the hinterland. All the signs are...

Displaying 2321-2330 out of 2376 results.