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Displaying 2311-2320 out of 2376 results.

    Vol 38 No 11 |
  • TOGO

Guides together

Soldiers from Togo proved useless when sent to fight for Marshal Mobutu Sese Seko (who was a guest of the Presidency in Lomé after his fall). Perhaps mindful...

Mystery militias

Two conflicts persist in Sierra Leone, weakening the authority of President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah (elected in March 1996) and undermining the United Nations' appeal for funds for national...

Delta wars

Ethnic rivalries and government blunders are fuelling clashes over oil money

The fighting between Ijaws and Itsekiris in Warri, the oil city of Delta State in South-Western Nigeria, threatens to halt oil production in Nigeria's most lucrative fields. The...

Old wines, new bottles

Too long in the making, the new cabinet now faces constitutional and political challenges

After three months of indecision and wrangling, President Jerry Rawlings has still not produced a full cabinet list. Since his inauguration on 7 January for a second elected...

    Vol 38 No 9 |
  • MALI

Flawed Landslide

A rerun is likely after parliamentary polls degenerated into chaos and confusion

Instead of confirming Mali's status as a multiparty democracy, the first round of legislative elections on 13 April, produced chaos at polling stations, an opposition boycott of the...

All fall out

A free-market Premier and an ex-military President have conflicting aims

It is always difficult to satisfy both international donors and home-grown politicians. President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara (known as IBM), a military man with lukewarm support, is finding out...

Running for cover

Confusion abounds about General Sani Abacha's political intentions. Following an interview with the Washington Times in which Abacha said his possible candidacy in the 1998 presidential elections would...

Talking of votes

West Africa's peacekeepers have at last cleared the decks for an election

The peace process known as Abuja II is moving unsteadily towards success. The goal is free and fair elections on 30 May. The main faction leaders now say...

Ghankay versus the rest

The man who most wants to take control of Liberia, by whatever means, is Charles Taylor of the National Patriotic Front (NPFL). His most fervent rival warlord is...

Displaying 2311-2320 out of 2376 results.