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Displaying 2261-2270 out of 2376 results.

Living dangerously

Alarms are sounding about General Abacha's plans to follow President Suharto's example

What have Indonesia and Nigeria got in common? On the face of it, almost everything - deepening economic crises, embattled military leaders, a web of corruption and nepotism...

Children of '68

Like many of their counterparts elsewhere, the rebels of '68 have joined the system

Senegal's energetic media have been painting the general elections of 24 May as a rendez-vous with history. It's the thirtieth anniversary of May '68, when Senegalese students and...

    Vol 39 No 8 |
  • MALI

Bamako sparks

Amid deadlock between government and opposition, preparations are starting for local elections. Business and donors are more worried about the electricity crisis. Donors have again suspended finance for...

Room at the top

As the coup plot trials near their conclusion, a sweeping military reshuffle looms and a new civilian presidential candidate emerges

True to his word, his supporters say, General Sani Abacha is determined to hand over to a civilian successor in October - himself. A year ago, that script...

From the shadows

Universally known as 'MD', former spymaster and police chief Alhaji Muhammadu Dikko Yusufu (66) has emerged as the most credible challenger to General Sani Abacha's as yet unannounced...

Not Alaafin matter

The detention at London's Gatwick airport on 24 March of the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, and his family after it was claimed that drugs valued at...

Carpet crossing

Talk of ouverture or power-sharing in Abidjan has been scuppered by the defection of leading oppositionist Adama Coulibally to the ruling Parti Démocratique de la Côte d’Ivoire ....

Freetown fracas

The Nigerian-led ousting of Major Johnny- Paul Koroma’s Freetown junta raises awkward questions for Whitehall’s proclaimed ethical foreign policy and its ban on military cooperation with General Sani...

Lions and elephants

Abidjan provided high-level political backing to make a success of the British Week heavily branded with the title ‘Ensemble’ held on 2-8 March, which brought in a large...

Kabbah's comeback

The returning civilian government faces empty coffers and a continuing rebellion

Sierra Leoneans were surprised at the efficiency and speed with which the West African peace keeping forces (Ecomog) toppled Major Johnny Paul Koroma’s military Revolutionary United Front junta....

Displaying 2261-2270 out of 2376 results.