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Displaying 2201-2210 out of 2376 results.

The $2.7 billion hole in the bank

The military regime is leaving its civilian successor a mountain of dubious debts and undermining prospects for economic recovery

General Olusegun Obasanjo's newly elected government starts work on 29 May. But the bright hope is dimmed by an unexpectedly grim financial legacy from the outgoing military...

Accidental coup

The murder of President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara on 9 April was a genuine coup d'etat. After a couple of days' confusion, the dead man's supposed ally,...

    Vol 40 No 7 |
  • TOGO

Lomé minus Lomé

President Gnassingbé Eyadéma's latest round of fraudulent elections, held on 21 March, could provoke Togo's suspension from the European Union's preferential trade treaty known as the Lomé IV...

Leaving for Lomé

Foreign pressure is growing for President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah to start substantive negotiations with the Revolutionary United Front. Even Kabbah’s closest backers question his grip over the mainly...

The General's election

Twenty years after he left power, Gen. Obasanjo looks set to return, this time with an electoral mandate

General Olusegun Obasanjo, Nigeria’s first military officer to hand power to an elected government, looks set - 20 years later - to become the first officer to win...

It's the economy

Amid the campaign razzamatazz, politicians are ignoring the looming economic disaster

In the party conventions and in the lobbies of Abuja’s smart hotels, the talk is of who should be the new civilian president - and of how to...

Taylorland under siege

The victorious warlord hasn't made the transition to civilian politics

The voters’ mood, when they elected President Charles Taylor in July 1997, was summed up in a slogan: ‘He killed my ma, he killed my pa but I...

Jet set and match

The latest leader to succumb to the need for personal air transport is President Mathieu Kérékou, who has secured three billion CFA francs to buy a second-hand personal...

Displaying 2201-2210 out of 2376 results.