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Displaying 2181-2190 out of 2376 results.

Obasanjo's one hundred days

President Obasanjo moves with surprising speed against patronage but the inevitable clouds loom

For now, it is no longer business as usual in Nigeria. In just three months, President Olusegun Obasanjo's whisk broom of reform has swept away the notoriously parasitical...

Clearly confusing

Three months on, the economic policy of General Olusegun Obasanjo's government remains opaque. While the price of oil, which at US$20 a barrel is nearly twice that...

ADO ado

The normally placid holiday season is the scene of frantic government activity. The reasons are ADO and the IMF. The scandal over the embezzlement of 18 billion CFA...

Problematic peace

Charles Taylor's support is critical to end the war – the other problem is lack of finance

As battle-hardened rebels saunter into Freetown, guns slung over their shoulders, Sierra Leoneans are arguing about the price of their hoped for peace. A month after the...

Presidential field

The arrival of a contingent of Legionnaires in the latest French troop rotation raised eyebrows in Dakar. A presidential election is due next February and the country...

Gerald's jeep

Britain's 23 July expulsion of senior Liberian diplomat Gerald Cooper is an early blow to President Charles Taylor's efforts to improve relations with the West.

    Vol 40 No 15 |
  • MALI

Power cuts

Ambitious rivals cut the President down to size while Toumani Touré waits in the wings

President Alpha Oumar Konaré wants to go down in history. Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta wants to succeed him as President. Both are in danger of being disappointed....

Micro-state struggles

As the succession heats up, another head of state seeks to amend the constitution

The contest to succeed Prime Minister Carlos Veiga is heating up. The ailing Veiga (he is said to have diabetes and regularly visits his doctors in Portugal) announced...

A deal in Lomé

The RUF negotiates its way into government after eight years of brutal warfare

Sierra Leoneans reacted with a mix of relief and scepticism following the signing of the Lomé peace deal on 7 July which brings Corporal Foday Sankoh's Revolutionary United...

Displaying 2181-2190 out of 2376 results.