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Displaying 2171-2180 out of 2376 results.

Tandja wins, ok

The former ruling party pulled it off again: Mamadou Tandja of the Mouvement National pour la Société de Développement polled 59.9 per cent of the vote in the...

Bédié's flashpoint

Crisis has come in the struggle by President Henri Konan Bédié to exclude from next year's presidential election the recently retired Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary...

Cleaning up oil

At last people are taking Obasabjo's crackdown on oil crooks seriously

Recent high-level visitors to Abuja have left apparently convinced that President Olusegun Obasanjo is reversing 20 years of corruption and mismanagement in Nigeria's oil industry, the heart of...

Saudi white knight

A three-headed battle for control of Ghana's flagship Ashanti Goldfields Corporation began after its board declared on 28 September that it couldn't meet potential liabilities of US$450 million...

Au secours!

Commerce Minister Khalifa Sall amazed British business audiences in Belfast, Glasgow and London by saying he wanted Senegal to be 'saved' from the influence of Paris. More conventionally,...

No holds barred

The bitter government campaign for the presidency scares investors and stirs up hate

The bitter pre-election campaign for the national presidency is wrecking the country's reputation for stability and its hopes for the foreign loans and investments that it needs. Côte...


One death too many has left Compaoré's regime in a deep hole. It intends to escape

The government talks of 'national reconciliation'; its critics put it another way, saying that President Blaise Compaoré's regime wants to wipe away its bloodstained image. Now everyone is...

Dead men's shoes

The election to replace the dead dictator, General Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, is due on 17 October, organised by the man whose soldiers killed him. Major Daouda Malam Wanké,...

    Vol 40 No 18 |
  • TOGO

Choppy waters

General Eyadéma makes plans to go – after another four years

The pact commits General Gnassingbé Eyadéma to holding fresh parliamentary elections next year and then stepping down in 2003 (which he was scheduled to do anyway). Opposition parties...

Displaying 2171-2180 out of 2376 results.