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Displaying 2161-2170 out of 2376 results.

Passion for change

President Diouf faces a second round of polling and the opposition scents victory

Changement was on everyone's lips during the presidential campaign. And change is indeed happening in Senegal. For the first time, the man who has led one of Africa's...

Watching and waiting

President Mathieu Kérékou has kept his head down amid celebrations of his overthrow ten years ago. His friends say he developed humility when he became a Catholic while...

Russian steal

At least five major Western banks were involved in the transfer, in 1996 and 1997, of 973 million Deutschemark (US$512 mn.) of Nigerian state funds to accounts linked...

Positively 4th street

President Abdou Diouf's plans for a fourth term in office face two big obstacles in the 27 February elections: growing militancy and coordination among the opposition parties and...

Mon général

Like De Gaulle, Gueï wants to be a general until he dies and perhaps president too

From the day he pronounced himself President, General Robert Gueï has insisted he has no political ambitions and will withdraw from government as soon as free elections can...

Friends of Sani

Who controls account No. J36650-70 at United Overseas Bank, 11 Quai des Bergues, Geneva? That is the issue in Gambia's latest scandal. Details of the private Swiss account...


The much hyped, much criticised, trans-Saharan car race, the Dakar-Cairo Rally (still called Paris-Dakar), won huge but costly publicity when, instead of for the first time driving across...

Putsch de Noël

General Robert Gueï is still far from consolidating his position as head of state following the 24 December Christmas coup that brought him to power. Too many civilians...

Tarnished gold

Confusion in the markets, muddle at the top and elections ahead

The peaceful march by oppositionists to a rally at Accra sports stadium on 25 November has put the country's wobbly economy back at the political centre-stage and President...

Lousy legacies

President Obasanjo's good start is being threatened by poverty and ethnic nationalism

Street fighting over control of a local market in the old capital, Lagos, in late November, in which over 100 people have died, started just as President Olusegun...

Displaying 2161-2170 out of 2376 results.