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Displaying 2031-2040 out of 2376 results.

Too good

The government has raised eyebrows by contracting a $1 billion, low-interest loan from a group calling itself the International Finance Consortium (not to be confused with the International...

I'm Sam, fly me

Many African airlines have boomed since Air Afrique collapsed, but not Ghana Airways

Sam Jonah resigned as Chairman of Ghana Airways on 2 July after the cabinet failed to approve his preferred rescue plan for the airline and the removal of...

Beware false profits

Booming Christian fundamentalist sects make good business but not good politics

Religion is moving fast up the political agenda, as elections loom next year. From antagonistic theological positions, Christian and Muslim fundamentalists explain Nigeria's growing poverty, corruption and crime;...

Harvesting souls

Nigeria's popular charismatic movement took root with Joseph Ayo Babalola's Christ Apostolic Church in the 1930s. In the 1970s, the late Benson Idahosa of the Church of God...

    Vol 43 No 14 |
  • TOGO

Last of the dinosaurs

Splits in the ruling party could finally bring the changes the opposition seeks

Most African leaders have at least made a stab at multi-party democracy over the last decade but Togo's President Gnassingbé Eyadéma has never really bothered. Opposition parties are...

Murky waters

President Fradique de Menezes must perform a tricky balancing act ­ developing the oil sector under transparency rules which donors insist on and keeping his big Nigerian neighbours...

Banker versus banker

Central Bank Governor Sanusi wants to tame his former banking colleagues

Nigeria's banks are dynamic, indigenous and very profitable. Their attitude to financial regulation is another story. Some of the country's biggest financial egos are now at war with...

Some winners and losers

Union Bank, First Bank and United Bank for Africa control over a third of the sector. Mid-level banks range from stars to the technically insolvent. Small banks often...

Of rice and rings

An interesting footnote to tales of corruption during the reign of President Jerry Rawlings is offered by the case of Juliet Cotton, convicted on 17 June by a...

Displaying 2031-2040 out of 2376 results.