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Displaying 2021-2030 out of 2376 results.

Nigeria's rag trade

On 2 October Nigeria banned imports of all textiles in a bid to revive its own ailing industry. It now depends on imports from Asia, some of them...

The nightmare scenario

An army rebellion may send the once-prosperous country down the same road as its unstable neighbours

Côte d'Ivoire is in danger of fragmenting on ethnic lines as efforts to put down an army mutiny turn into an all-out assault on immigrants and on opponents...

Paranoid or what?

International pressure upsets President Taylor but brings peace no nearer

With so many peace initiatives competing for the international community's scarce resources, Liberia's peace process needs to keep up its momentum, and President Charles Taylor's critics need to...

Running on empty

Is the money running out, or might an oil war happen in the nick of time?

Iraq could yet rescue President Olusegun Obasanjo. The prospect of an United States invasion there is driving up the world price of oil, and oil contributes over 75...


Two weeks ago President Olusegun Obasanjo considered threats by the House of Representatives to impeach him if he didn't resign as 'a joke carried too far' by a...

Strategic supplies

West Africa in general - and Nigeria in particular - is suddenly gaining from a re-evaluation of global strategy in the United States following the 11 September 2001...

Boom boom

It was a 'boom' speech, so called because it suggests the guns will boom again and return him to power. Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings has form: he...

Blaise wins again

Both the President and the opposition seem to be aiming for respectability

President Blaise Compaoré has a remarkable ability to cause tremendous trouble for his neighbours and still come up smelling of roses. Despite all his years of support for...

Home made, world class

Igbo entrepreneurs make lots of money and might make more but for the Feds

The Igbo people of south-east Nigeria took a terrible battering in the civil war of the 1960s, and the region's businesses were almost all destroyed. The recent achievements...

Eastward Ho!

Igbo politics are boiling with preparations for next year's general elections. Since the dream of an independent Biafra was crushed in 1970, many Igbo have felt marginalised, and...

Displaying 2021-2030 out of 2376 results.