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Displaying 2001-2010 out of 2376 results.

Outgunning the opposition

Shaky administration and growing political violence threaten the credibility of April's national elections

The political scene has been ominously quiet as several constitutional issues rumble. The most serious is whether the 18 April presidential election can be held within President Olusegun...

The battle in the states

The ruling PDP's grip on the state governors is under attack from all sides

Nigeria's 36 state governors have proved a durable crowd. All but two of those elected in 1999 are to stand again for the same party in April's elections...

Jacques is back

France's triumphal return to Africa is marred only slightly by the tricky problems it faces there

It was an impressive turnout. Forty-two heads of state or government braved the icy cold of Paris and its unlovely Porte Maillot conference centre for the biennial...

Model justice, for some

War crimes trials start this year but the causes of the war still fester

Some 20 to 30 people accused of the most heinous crimes in Sierra Leone's brutal civil war are to be tried this year at the Special Court in...

A victory for the generals

A soldier - serving or retired - will be running Nigeria by June after a hard fought election

Nigerians now have a choice of presidential candidates in the 19 April election which almost exactly reflects the nation's schisms and idiosyncrasies (AC Vol 43 No 25 &...

No deal

France's efforts to impose a peace accord have failed. Côte d'Ivoire will now dominate the Franco-African summit in Paris on 19-21 February, far more than the controversial presence...

Foul play

Delegates talk peace in Paris but back home the killings continue and divisions deepen

Major changes to laws on eligibility to hold political office and to own land have been outlined by Côte d'Ivoire's political parties and rebel movements meeting in France...

Fradique's new front

A newcomer to oil finds that old deals with foreign friends gum up the works

The standoff between President Fradique de Menezes and oil interests in Nigeria, Norway and the United States blocks development of São Tomé e Príncipe's offshore zone, which may...

Rallying round

Sindiély Wade, daughter of President Abdoulaye Wade, chose to compete in the Paris-Dakar rally the one year the rally came nowhere near the Senegalese capital. Part of Nissan's...

A new front opens

France is determined to enforce the peace but may find the latest rebels hard to handle

The images of frightened Ivorian people with bundles of possessions on their heads are even more shocking because the refugees are fleeing down well maintained tarmac roads with...

Displaying 2001-2010 out of 2376 results.