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Displaying 1991-2000 out of 2376 results.

    Vol 44 No 9 |
  • TOGO

Democratic doubts

The 1 June presidential election could be as big a travesty of democracy as 1998, when the electoral commission was replaced on polling day so that phony results...

    Vol 44 No 8 |
  • MALI

Bamako blues

The soldier-turned-president's carefully crafted consensus is threatened by a confident opposition

President Amadou Toumani Touré ('ATT') has had little chance to relax after his election in May 2002, as he struggles with domestic politics and the economic fall-out from...

The big issues

Whoever wins will have to tackle crime, constitutional reform and a sick economy

After the multi-million dollar election cycle this month, the winners will face an array of pressing economic and political issues... Criminality and security: The police service urgently...

North-south divide

Nigeria's elections were pulled back from the brink of collapse on 16 April when leading opposition candidate Muhammadu Buhari insisted he would not join a boycott of presidential...

Faux EO?

President Laurent Gbagbo, under fire over renewed claims that his government is using mercenaries to fight rebels in the north and west, may have thought he was hiring...

Unity's opponents

Gbagbo grudgingly cooperates with a French-brokered peace agreement

The 5 pm traffic jam of cars with African Development Bank licence plates heading out of Abidjan's Plateau business district to leafy villas in Cocody and Deux Plateaux...

Hard-core Gbagbo

Around President Laurent Gbagbo is a hard core which is fiercely opposed to the Marcoussis peace accord and firmly convinced of the truth of Pastor Moïse Koré's assertion...

Up for grabs

As President Lansana Conté lies dying, the international community courts Guinea

Gravely ill with complications from diabetes, President Lansana Conté has withdrawn to his home village of Moussayah, leaving the army and the divided opposition holding their breath...

Delta force

Just when oil markets needed abundant West African crude supplies (AC Vol 44 No 6), an explosion of violence in Delta State has cut off a third of...

Out for the Conté

After Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia, neighbouring Guinea faces troubled times. President Lansana Conté, who has heart trouble, diabetes and a heavy smoking habit, seems too ill to succeed...

Displaying 1991-2000 out of 2376 results.