Vol 44 No 10 | LIBERIA Horse-trading, arms-trading 16th May 2003 The new UN resolution misses an opportunity to tackle the regional conflict from all sides The planned United Nations Security Council mission to West Africa will find President Charles Taylor in a tight corner. Two armed groups on two fronts supported by Guinea...
Vol 44 No 10 | LIBERIA More guns, please 16th May 2003 President Charles Taylor in March 2003 told the press that Liberia had 'ordered arms'. Defence Minister Daniel Chea subsequently provided a 'comprehensive listing of military hardware and materials...
Vol 44 No 10 | CÔTE D'IVOIRE Tout sauf Gbagbo? 16th May 2003 Despite a new ceasefire signed by the government and rebels on 3 May, tension has scarcely abated. The latest flashpoint for violence is the students' union congress, where...
Vol 44 No 9 | NIGERIA The naira republic wins again 2nd May 2003 Money-politics and vote-rigging will undermine President Obasanjo's second term without a full investigation of the poll 'Don't give me any more of those Florida results!' bellowed a Nigerian journalist at a computer screen in the Election Commission's media centre. The machine was spewing out...
Vol 44 No 9 | NIGERIA Landslide in the Delta 2nd May 2003 The presidential and gubernatorial elections in the oil-rich Niger Delta set new standards of improbability. Just over twelve hours after voting ended in some parts of Rivers, the...
Vol 44 No 9 | NIGERIA Generals on the hill 2nd May 2003 The Abuja-Minna axis still works for old comrades in arms Two former military leaders, General Abdulsalami Abubakar and Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, look out from their hilltop mansions in Minna, central Nigeria, unperturbed by the furore over the elections...
Vol 44 No 9 | LIBERIA Tackling Taylor 2nd May 2003 A battle is going on behind the scenes at the United Nations Security Council over whether to give sanctions on Liberia a wider regional focus. Key issues are...
Vol 44 No 9 | TOGO Democratic doubts 2nd May 2003 The 1 June presidential election could be as big a travesty of democracy as 1998, when the electoral commission was replaced on polling day so that phony results...
Vol 44 No 8 | MALI Bamako blues 18th April 2003 The soldier-turned-president's carefully crafted consensus is threatened by a confident opposition President Amadou Toumani Touré ('ATT') has had little chance to relax after his election in May 2002, as he struggles with domestic politics and the economic fall-out from...
Vol 44 No 8 | NIGERIA The big issues 18th April 2003 Whoever wins will have to tackle crime, constitutional reform and a sick economy After the multi-million dollar election cycle this month, the winners will face an array of pressing economic and political issues... Criminality and security: The police service urgently...