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Displaying 1941-1950 out of 2376 results.

Strong scent

A heady whiff of vengeance pervades the parties' campaigns against corruption

Ghana's most popular song these days is 'Scent noo, agye bebiara' ('The smell is everywhere', in Twi). Its subject is corruption, still a key political issue three years...

Kaiser's bill

It's election year and President John Kufuor wants to make the struggling economy look good. He promised his party's wealthy patrons a golden age for business; so far,...

Gems to oil

Claims by Diamondworks, a South African-based, Canadian-registered company with a colourful history in mining and security (AC Vol 44 No 15), to have secured oil trading rights in...

More petro-nairas

The unions lose another battle to Obasanjo's campaign to open up the oil business

Another round in the battle to liberalise the oil business goes to President Olusegun Obasanjo after the once mighty Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) backed down from its campaign...

    Vol 45 No 2 |
  • TOGO

Succession rumble

General Gnassingbé Eyadéma has not appeared in public since the Liberation Day celebrations on 13 January, date of President Sylvanus Olympio's murder and Eyadéma's seizure of power in...

Reforms, risks and rumblings

New opponents are lurking in the shadows as President Obasanjo tries to change course

'Everything is in place,' the tall man in babariga assured his audience in a Kaduna street. 'In place for what?' came the reply. 'Regime change of course!' the...

No change there, then

Ill and politically incoherent, President Conté keeps going by eliminating all opposition

With a presidential election looming on 21 December, Guinea's military high command has banned soldiers from carrying arms in the Samory Touré barracks ­ where President Lansana Conté...

Next year in Paris

President Laurent Gbagbo's state visit to France, now rescheduled for sometime in January, will test diplomatic limits on both sides. Gbagbo doesn't want to appear too chummy with...

Missing airline

Who stole Nigeria Airways? A cabal of managers, ministers and senior officials, said a judicial inquiry report last month. It details how the airline was destroyed by asset...

Displaying 1941-1950 out of 2376 results.