Vol 45 No 16 | GUINEA Price of peace 6th August 2004 The government promised at talks in Brussels in mid-July to open a dialogue with the opposition and to improve its management of state finances. In a first gesture...
Vol 45 No 15 | NIGERIA Delta damages 21st July 2004 By helicopter and canoe, people flee the violence; oil companies count the cost Death and destruction in the Niger Delta is driving ChevronTexaco and its insurers into a legal battle. After attacks on its oil wells and pipelines in April 2003,...
Vol 45 No 15 | CÔTE D'IVOIRE Chirac's man 21st July 2004 The Marcoussis peace accord appears deadlocked, but French President Jacques Chirac has one more ace up his sleeve: the Gabonese leader El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba. The presence...
Vol 45 No 14 | LIBERIASIERRA LEONE No peace without justice 9th July 2004 Freetown's war crimes court slowly establishes a precedent While the spotlight shines on the trial of Slobodan Milosevic in the Hague and the indictment of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, the trial of some of those deemed...
Vol 45 No 14 | GHANA HIPC Junction 9th July 2004 Depending on donors is no easy task for a government which wants to get re-elected Ghanaians call it 'going HIPC': signing up to debt relief as prescribed under the World Bank's and International Monetary Fund's Highly Indebted Poor Countries initiative. President John Agyekum...
Vol 45 No 14 | GHANA Chinese puzzle 9th July 2004 Breaking a deafening government silence since a controversial Chinese loan agreement was rushed through parliament at the end of its last sitting in April, the embattled Finance and...
Vol 45 No 14 | GHANAAROUND AFRICA 419, and counting 9th July 2004 Advanced Fee Frauds or '419s', have become as common in Ghana as in Nigeria, where they were invented. Ghanaian banks have published warnings in the press that their...
Vol 45 No 14 | NIGERIAOIL AND GAS The net widens 9th July 2004 Officials in Abuja are intensifying a probe into commissions of more than US$180 million on a gas export plant following Africa Confidential's report last month that Nigeria's biggest...
Vol 45 No 13 | NIGERIA Gas leak 25th June 2004 International investigations into corruption allegations could prove politically explosive Allegations that contractors building Nigeria's fast expanding Liquefied Natural Gas complex have paid over US$180 million in illegal commissions have prompted parallel investigations in France, Nigeria and the...
Vol 45 No 13 | NIGERIA Gasmen 25th June 2004 General Ibrahim Babangida, Head of State, August 1985-August 1993. Presided over the formation of the Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas joint venture but insisted the state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum...