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Displaying 1871-1880 out of 2376 results.

    Vol 46 No 10 |
  • TOGO

Faure's French friends

West African presidents and the Elysée Palace endorse Gnassingbé's election

The army had crushed the opposition uprising and the Constitutional Court had rejected claims of electoral irregularities well before Faure Gnassingbé was sworn in on 4 May. Hospital...

    Vol 46 No 10 |
  • MALI

Belgium's man in Africa

Little did a royal Belgian foundation expect that by bestowing a prize on Mali's shy, soft-spoken former Territorial Administration Minister, it would reignite controversy over the 2002 elections....

Double Wamco

Six months before elections, ministers have signed a deal on a trade in banned diamonds

A secret deal signed in February by government ministers in Monrovia would give a mysterious mining company a ten-year monopoly on Liberia's diamond production, according to contract documents...

Warlord on the loose

Charles Taylor, Liberia's exiled warlord, stands accused of crimes across the region. A 30-page confidential report to the internationally financed Special Court in Sierra Leone alleges that he...

    Vol 46 No 9 |
  • TOGO

Merci, Papa

People take to the streets in Lomé to protest against Faure Gnassingbé's victory in the polls

'If they declare Faure the winner, this place is going to go up in flames', predicted a much quoted opposition supporter in Lomé. And right on cue, the...

Nervy neighbours

Along its frontiers, Ghana keeps a nervous eye on turbulent Côte d'Ivoire and Togo

A strange silence from Accra greeted the sudden death, on 5 February, of Togo's (and Africa's) longest-serving leader, Etienne Gnassingbé Eyadéma. The subsequent events have upset neighbouring Ghana's...

Can the centre hold?

Regional violence and a constitutional conference challenge federal power

Calming Nigeria's murderous ethnic tensions and reducing its chronic corruption are the chief declared aims of President Olusegun Obasanjo, half way through his second and last term. There...

Credibility on corruption

The sudden sacking on 22 March of Education Minister Fabian Osuji was well timed to show Nigeria's creditors that President Olusegun Obasanjo's anti-corruption policy is working. Osuji is...

Oloibiri, oil capital

There is no power or running water in Oloibiri, the town that hosted Nigeria's first oil well, and few visible signs of progress after five decades of oil...

What Cheney knew

United States Vice-President Dick Cheney could face questioning by a US Grand Jury about his knowledge - or lack of it - of US$180 million of illegal payments...

Displaying 1871-1880 out of 2376 results.