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Displaying 1861-1870 out of 2376 results.

A matter of graft

The World Bank has postponed indefinitely a donors' meeting on Sierra Leone, which had initially been scheduled for 6 June, as concern grows about high-level corruption in President...

Yala the spoiler

In the second round of the presidential elections due on 17 or 24 July, Malam Bacai Sanha of the ruling Partido Africano da Independência de Guiné e Cabo...

Hotel Hullaballoo

A lady, a hotel, a president and an old-fashioned political scandal

Gizelle Yazji, a Florida-based Iraqi financial consultant, claims that she negotiated the purchase of a US$3.5 million hotel in Accra's upmarket Airport district on behalf of President John...

Blood over oil

Political mayhem follows the latest oil block awards in the Joint Development Zone

Ministerial resignations and dismissals in São Tomé and indignant denials of corruption in Nigeria follow the 31 May award of five blocks in the two countries' Joint Development...

Brassed off: a contractor under fire

In the badlands of the Niger Delta a dispute over an oil-loading contract shows the often corrosive relationship between multinational oil companies, government officials and local militia fighters....

    Vol 46 No 12 |
  • MALI

Soccer, Islam and hard times

Football riots and fears of terrorism are undermining ATT's reputation

Bamako is worried about security, and awaiting a cabinet reshuffle by President Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT). Prime Minister Ousmane Issoufi Maïga may not survive. Some call him 'Pinochet',...

Battles of Boro's ghost

The struggle in the Delta heats up again as foreign reserves top $21 billion

Deep in the oil-rich Niger Delta, the Ijaw people are fighting over the ghost of nationalist hero Isaac Jasper Boro. At stake are the political allegiances of the...

Vultures gather

Military officers and regional warlords jockey for power as the President's condition worsens

The vultures are gathering as President Lansana Conté is reported to be slipping in and out of a diabetic coma. A mass prison breakout in Conakry on 15...

Through a glass very darkly

Closely watching the succession in Conakry are West African presidents, warlords and diplomats. Their central calculation is that what's good for Liberia's exiled warlord Charles Taylor will be...

Displaying 1861-1870 out of 2376 results.