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Displaying 1781-1790 out of 2376 results.

Ambitions in the north

The President has not said who he wants to succeed him but he knows who he wants to stop

The northern Nigerian elite is in the unfamiliar position of trying to side-step the manoeuvrings of a southern President determined to block the political ambitions of at least...

    Vol 47 No 19 |
  • TOGO

Back in the fold

The choice of leading oppositionist Yaovi Agboyigbo as Prime Minister on 16 September and offers of aid and investment from Brussels and Paris point to a changing climate....

Easy for Jammeh

The opposition has dashed its hopes of victory by failing to field a single candidate. The two rival alliances stand almost no chance against President Yahya Jammeh in...

Countdown for Conté

After almost a week of 'medical checks' in Switzerland, President Lansana Conté's quiet return on 17 August was marked only by a brief statement, without pictures, on state...

Democratic deficits

After spending US$22 million on the African Union (AU) summit last month, President Yahya Jammeh has called a snap election on 22 September. With only six weeks to...

The governor's dues

Oil shut downs and political violence are escalating despite record budgets in the Delta

Despite a record budget of US$1.2 billion for 2006, Rivers State government isn't helping those worst hit by the violence and oil shut downs in the Niger Delta....

Snow white

The Ghana Bar Association says it is considering disciplinary action against Capt (retd) Nkrabea Effah-Dartey, a former deputy Interior Minister and ex officio Chairman of the Narcotics Control...

Dutch probe

Dutch police are investigating Mittal Steel's US$900 million deal to mine iron ore in Liberia following a slew of allegations by politicians and trades unionists about the contract...

Displaying 1781-1790 out of 2376 results.