Vol 48 No 9 | MALI ATT seeks takokélén 27th April 2007 President Touré is poised to win a second term in Mali's presidential election on 29 April President Amadou Toumani Touré ('ATT'), has been campaigning for takokélén in the presidential election on 29 April. That's Bambara for 'taking all at once' - a first-round win....
Vol 48 No 9 | MALI Politicians and their parties 27th April 2007 Born in Mopti, Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT, 52) is backed by over 30 parties and myriad civil society organisations, along with the nebulous, 'apolitical' Mouvement Citoyen (Citizen's Movement),...
Vol 48 No 9 | CÔTE D'IVOIRE Oiling the wheels of peace 27th April 2007 Rapidly rising oil earnings could help to restore Côte d'Ivoire's status as the economic giant of Francophone West Africa.
Vol 48 No 8 | NIGERIA Yar'Adua prepares for power 13th April 2007 If the PDP juggernaut trounces the opposition, the new government will have the shortest of breaks before the pressure starts mounting Failing a cataclysmic reversal in the next week, President Olusegun Obasanjo's governing People's Democratic Party is likely to chalk up another victory at the state and federal elections...
Vol 48 No 8 | NIGERIA Too many parties spoil the polls 13th April 2007 Opposition to the governing People's Democratic Party (PDP) is split between 24 different parties, most of which cannot even dream of winning a governorship, much less the Presidency.
Vol 48 No 8 | NIGERIA Table 13th April 2007 Key states in Nigeria's gubernatorial and presidential elections We examine the main contestants and predict the probable winners of the elections
Vol 48 No 8 | SIERRA LEONE Aid and votes 13th April 2007 Proper politics begins again, as the country lurches towards elections and a referendum The key political issue at stake is how well President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah has managed the post-war transition. He pledged to bring political stability and economic recovery and...
Vol 48 No 8 | SIERRA LEONE Kabbah in a hurry 13th April 2007 If President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah has his way, Sierra Leoneans will be voting for a revised constitution as well as a new government this year.
Vol 48 No 8 | GUINEA Under new management 13th April 2007 President Lansana Conté clings on, but with a new government and his power diluted The appointment of Lansana Kouyaté as Prime Minister could be a turning point in Guinea's long crisis, or an attempt to shore up a crumbling dyke. Kouyaté's nomination...
Vol 48 No 8 | GABONNIGER Areva in hot water 13th April 2007 The war of words between two non-governmental agencies and French nuclear energy company AREVA escalated last week, with public accusations of malpractice in the extraction of uranium in...