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Displaying 1601-1610 out of 2376 results.

Any more business?

Ghana has developed close ties with China, but ones that contrast with those enjoyed by other African states

The new Defence Ministry building in Accra is under construction by Chinese contractors. Chinese companies built the Tamale and Sekondi stadiums, which were used in February’s 2008 African...

Forever delayed

Postponing polls has become a habit, but the parties are still focused on winning power whenever the election comes

Politicians all agree that the latest election deadline of 30 November cannot be met and expect the polls to be held in March next year at the earliest....

Minority politics

President Yayi lacks a parliamentary majority and the skills to win over new supporters

In another desperate attempt to win over some opposition supporters to his ineffectual coalition, President Thomas Boni Yayi announced a ministerial reshuffle on 22 October. Yet the horse-trading...

Economy: Trouble in the markets

Watching oil prices fall from US$147 a barrel to $57 over the past month and listening to endless media speculation about his health must have been disconcerting for...

Nigeria's banks: double or quits

Nigerian visitors to London’s Heathrow Airport are pleasantly surprised to see billboards publicising one or another of their country’s biggest banks. Many of the taxis operating out of...

Dam payment

President Conté's ministers are the latest African team to negotiate a massive minerals-for-infrastructure countertrade deal

Officials from Guinea’s Ministry of Mines are due in Beijing to negotiate a US$21 billion countertrade deal to swap bauxite and iron ore concessions for investments in dams,...

Bringing it all back home

Asian buyers face tough competition from local bidders as Shell sells a big stake in its oil business

China has a new competitor for oil resources in Nigeria, according to company leaks and media reports. Royal Dutch/Shell is understood to be looking to sell a 49.8% stake in...

New order, new deals

Asian companies face new rules and new relationships in Africa’s most prolific but politically complex oil producer

Reforms in Nigeria’s oil sector, promised by Minister of State for Oil Odein Ajumogobia, will mean that some of the multibillion dollar deals with Asian companies will be reviewed...

Graft never really went away

Revelations of grand corruption in mining and shipping contracts embarrass the government

Liberia's government, foreign diplomats and United Nations officials say that Liberia is a nation reborn. War is over, corruption is being rooted out and under the two-and-half year...

Displaying 1601-1610 out of 2376 results.