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Displaying 1481-1490 out of 2361 results.

The faces behind the funds

The business people, politicians and state officials behind the China International Fund (CIF) and China Sonangol International (CSI) entered the public eye in 2008 with the purchase of the publicly traded...

How the Sino-Angolan alliance works

The China International Fund (CIF) was born in the aftermath of Angola's civil war as the Luanda government embarked on Africa's costliest post-war reconstruction, fuelled by oil, gas and mineral resources....

More power for Freetown

Security has improved but political reforms and economic growth are moving too slowly to win much support for President Bai Koroma's government

Two years into his presidency, Ernest Bai Koroma of the All People's Congress (APC) can claim some successes. The Bumbuna hydroelectric dam will soon supply the capital, Freetown,...

A renewed army, an old-style police

Britain has spent millions helping to create Sierra Leone's security apparatus from scratch. The army and police protected the elections in 2007 and triumphed over smugglers in July...

A family business

Oppositionists lambast Ernest Bai Koroma's government for favouring the north-west region in its appointments, specifically the President's own Limba people and their Temne and Krio allies.

Gunning down democracy

Condemned for massacring its own people, the junta negotiates an economic lifeline with China

More than 157 unarmed demonstrators were shot down on 28 September by soldiers using rifles, daggers, machetes and iron bars. It was a straightforward massacre. Those killed...

Bankable Assets

The introduction by the Central Bank of Nigeria of polymer banknotes on 1 October has been blighted by accusations that millions of pounds in illegal commissions have been...

Why the banks stay optimistic

Oil, gas and Africa's biggest market keep the investors interested despite the increasingly desperate politics in Abuja ahead of the 2011 elections

After six weeks of billion dollar bail-outs, high-level sackings and the arraigning in court of five top executives, Nigeria’s financial sector is still robust enough to prompt paeans...

After the bank purge, back to the politics

Taken aback by the seriousness of the Central Bank’s efforts to reform the financial sector, some politicians and debtors are plotting their revenge

The targets of Central Bank of Nigeria Governor Lamido Sanusi's banking purge are beginning to fight back. Four bank chief executives have been arraigned on criminal charges and...

Displaying 1481-1490 out of 2361 results.