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Displaying 1451-1460 out of 2361 results.

The oil obstacles

The politically charged battle over Kosmos Energy's attempts to sell its stake in the Jubilee field casts a shadow over Ghana's graduation as a serious oil producer next...

Toumba on the run

More military infighting looms following a shoot-out on 3 December in which junta leader Captain Moussa Dadis Camara was hit in the head and then flown to Morocco...

Beijing's bankroll for Bong's ore

The China Development Bank promises to save China Union's US$2.68 Bong Mine project but will take an 85% stake to provide the finance and pay Monrovia

The US$2.68 billion China Union plan to revitalise Liberia's Bong Mines has not taken off, almost a year after it was first signed. Initial concerns about the little-known Chinese mining company's...

The Liberian contribution to the stir-fry

In January, Liberian officials are set to finalise negotiations for a US$1.6 billion palm oil investment deal with Indonesia's Golden VerOleum. The past year has seen a number of feasibility studies...

Mortgages and minerals

A Korean construction company has sealed a huge contract to build houses with Ghana's government in a new twist on resource trades

Accra is leading the way forward on housing development, bringing in South Korean company STX Group to build 200,000 housing units over the next five years at a cost of...

China's positioning in the Kosmos

Although Chinese companies have not yet bid for Kosmos's 30% stake in Ghana's Jubilee field, the China Development Bank has bought Beijing's companies a great deal of capital. The Ghana National...

It's not over until it's over

After winning back its oil acreage, South Korea offers pipelines, a power station and negotiations with its commercial rivals

After winning a court battle over the Nigerian government's attempt to cancel its oil production licences, South Korea's Korea National Oil Corporation is offering to finance billions of dollars of new...

A useful deal in the Delta

South Korea's state-run Land and Housing Corporation is offering investments and technical cooperation in the oil-rich Niger Delta, a move that might help the ambitions of Seoul's energy companies and appeal...

Rogues and rackets on trial

A corruption case in Geneva snares some of Nigeria’s political elite, and judges order the return of stolen state assets

The conviction in a Swiss Court on 19 November of Abba Abacha, son of former military leader General Sani Abacha, for participating in a criminal organisation together with...

Displaying 1451-1460 out of 2361 results.