Vol 3 (AAC) No 12 | GHANAASIA The cost of Ghana’s Asian Alliance 21st October 2010 In mid-October, a large, red container ship marked STX Pan Ocean berthed in Tema port and started offloading its cargo of tipper trucks, excavators, bulldozers, forklift trucks and...
Vol 3 (AAC) No 12 | GUINEACHINA More contracts as the vote looms 21st October 2010 Despite the impending transition to civil rule, the military regime has signed a mega-contract with the China Hyway Group for housing and roads As political candidates and generals were locked in negotations about the second round of the presidential elections due by the end of October, interim President General Sékouba Konaté...
Vol 3 (AAC) No 12 | GUINEACHINA China Hyway Group’s mines-for-roads deal 21st October 2010 In return for huge investments in housing and roads, the China Hyway Group has asked for several mining permits that would give it access to at least...
Vol 3 (AAC) No 12 | NIGERIACHINA Spooks, not railways 21st October 2010 Abuja wants to use Chinese export finance to build a spy network with the controversial ZTE company – instead of a railway Security experts reckon that cyber warfare and espionage will be this century’s new battlegrounds. With that in view, Beijing is now considering whether to allow the Nigerian government...
Vol 3 (AAC) No 12 | NIGERIAINDIA India follows China’s lead 21st October 2010 Wherever China goes in Nigeria, India tends not to be too far behind. Chinese contractors may have landed all of the major railway deals in Nigeria (AAC Vol...
Vol 51 No 20 | NIGERIA The politics takes over again 8th October 2010 Bold reform plans are put on hold as the battle for Aso Rock intensifies The brief interest shown by President Goodluck Jonathan's government in economic reform seems to be waning in favour of a concentration on short-term tactics that might help his...
Vol 51 No 20 | NIGERIA The car bomb whodunit 8th October 2010 Whoever was responsible for the car bombs that killed 12 people in Abuja during the 50th anniversary of Nigeria's Independence on 1 October and whatever their motives, they...
Vol 51 No 20 | GUINEA Odds now on Condé 8th October 2010 Former Prime Minister Cellou Dalein Diallo is no longer the favourite to win the second round of the presidential elections, due on 24 October, after several sackings at...
Vol 51 No 19 | NIGERIA A false start 24th September 2010 Doubts about the election timetable, dissension in the President’s party and some surprise new candidates are changing everyone’s calculations The tight election timetable announced at the beginning of the month is now being questioned again by election officials, civil activists and most of the contesting candidates (AC...
Vol 51 No 19 | NIGERIA The field gets more crowded 24th September 2010 There is no shortage of candidates or political parties contesting the presidential election due early next year; the exact timetable (AC Vol 51 No 18) is under review...