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Displaying 1081-1090 out of 2377 results.

    Vol 54 No 2 |
  • MALI

Taking the fight to the desert

For now, the region is cheering France’s launching of a war on many fronts against the jihadists although it is likely to drag on for many more months

As France pours men and money into the battle against jihadists, the contours of Mali’s crisis are rapidly changing. Bombing raids may have ended the militants’ hegemony over...

Abuja’s foreign legion

The troops now on their way to Mali to fight alongside the French are extending the campaign against Boko Haram

The 900 troops sent this week to fight alongside French and local forces in Mali are joining an operation which the Nigerian government sees as an extension of...

Wade’s barons under scrutiny

Those who said new President Sall was too compromised to go after crooks from Wade’s time in office have been proved wrong

The novelty of being invited at all times of the day and night to turn up at the Gendarmerie in Colobane wore off long ago for former ministers...

Funds query for Bangura

‘Serious concerns’ about the management of funds granted by the Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunisations (GAVI) to a health programme in Sierra Leone is causing embarrassment for...

    Vol 6 (AAC) No 3 |

John Dramani Mahama

President, Ghana

Newly elected as President in December 2012, John Dramani Mahama will continue to deepen Ghana’s ties with its Asian trading partners. When former Vice-President Mahama served...

Early start for Jonathan

Despite corruption worries and a row with Obasanjo over the crisis in the north, President Jonathan prepares to stand in the 2015 elections

Election billboards in the business district of Abuja calling for President Goodluck Jonathan to stand for election again in 2015 opened the political season of the New...

Politics goes to court

International organisations say it is a model of probity and efficiency, but the Electoral Commission must answer detailed claims of vote rigging

The year started with the presidential inauguration of John Dramani Mahama on 7 January and then consideration by the Supreme Court of a petition claiming his election had...

    Vol 54 No 1 |
  • MALI

Talk first, fight later

The Bamako government wants to use negotiations – and military muscle – to retake the northern provinces seized by jihadists

The grand plan for Mali’s army to wrest the northern provinces of Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu from jihadist militias is due to swing into operation in the...

    Vol 54 No 1 |
  • MALI

Django unchained

New Prime Minister Django Sissoko has started well, winning support for his government with his consensual style. A member of the nominated Transitional Assembly before his promotion, he...

Displaying 1081-1090 out of 2377 results.