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Displaying 591-600 out of 647 results.

Our friend, the new king

Young King Mohammed VI faces a tide of economic and social problems bequeathed by his father Hassan II

The mass outpouring of grief after the death of King Hassan II, one of Africa's most ruthless and canniest rulers, is fast being overtaken by worries about the...

Alger l'Africaine

President Bouteflika's hosting of the OAU summit revived his diplomatic networks

It was a spectacular relaunch for Algeria's foreign policy. Over 2,000 African diplomats and 44 heads of state and government arrived in a freshly painted Algiers for the...

Tripoli calling

Brother Leader Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's return to the African diplomatic circuit was a high point of the July Organisation of African Unity summit in Algiers. His entourage...

Bienvenue à Alger

After some tense weeks following the controversial elections, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is promising a peace deal facilitated by an improbable alliance between radical Islamists and senior security officers....

The Nile flows on

Egypt has more success with trade than with foreign policy

As it struggles to keep its role as Middle East peace broker, Cairo is also juggling its emerging ambition to become the region's largest and most advanced free-market...

Enemies within

Although the establishment candidate Abdelaziz Bouteflika won, the manner of his victory in the 15 April presidential election - with the authorities failing to bludgeon any of his...

Boutef is bounced back

The generals' choice seems certain to be the people's new president

Like Nigerians last month and Indonesians in June, Algerians will get their chance on 15 April to vote for a civilian president after decades of despotic and corrupt...

Hornet's nest

Algerian troops raided into north-west Niger in late November, with approval and support from the government in Niamey, Africa Confidential has learned.

Displaying 591-600 out of 647 results.