Vol 41 No 21 | LIBYA Gadaffi's prime time 27th October 2000 Western governments reopen business with Tripoli but the Colonel hasn't changed Rarely can Moammar el Gadaffi have felt so secure. Even thinking United States politicians now accept that an end to sanctions is inevitable, whoever wins the November presidential...
Vol 41 No 21 | LIBYA Family affairs 27th October 2000 The family of Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi is the centre of political attention. Doyenne of the Gadaffi Al-Dam branch is the Guide's wife, Safia el-Brassai, who emerged in...
Vol 41 No 20 | LIBYAWEST AFRICA Racist rage 13th October 2000 Racist hysteria against blacks in Libya has dented Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's ambition to create a 'United States of Africa' (USA) next year. He proclaimed his plan to...
Vol 41 No 20 | EGYPT Democratic deficit 13th October 2000 Egyptians are being offered the most democratic parliamentary elections since President Anwar Sadat toyed with multiparty politics in the mid-1970s.
Vol 41 No 16 | LIBYAAFRICA Look who's here! 4th August 2000 Investment in Africa has become a feature of Saudi Arabian Prince Al Walid bin Talal's business, suggesting that the Arab world's preeminent multi-billionaire sees the continent as a...
Vol 41 No 16 | ALGERIA New frontiers 4th August 2000 President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has taken a lead in wooing new partnerships in the Middle East and Africa and his senior officials are following up to secure lucrative deals.
Vol 41 No 15 | ALGERIA The Bouteflika paradox 21st July 2000 The President has gained a grip on power but distrubs liberals and power-brokers Abdelaziz Bouteflika has consolidated his power, exploiting the public's longing for peace to give substance to his presidency (AC Vol 41 No 4). However, an upsurge in Islamist...
Vol 41 No 10 | EGYPTCHINA East of Suez 12th May 2000 Cairo is allowing a shipping company reportedly owned by the Chinese military to use ports on the Suez Canal. The 7 May agreement was reached after years of...
Vol 41 No 10 | MOROCCOWESTERN SAHARA Fishy business 12th May 2000 As if the Western Sahara did not have enough tangles, an old debate about fishing rights has reemerged to weave fresh knots. Most of the fish that swarm...
Vol 41 No 8 | TUNISIA Bourguiba's ghost 14th April 2000 President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali was never entirely happy running the country in the shadow of its founding father, Habib Bourguiba. He died on 6 April and...