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Displaying 561-570 out of 647 results.

Ben Ali for a fourth

Africa's 'change the constitution' movement has now crept north to Tunisia, where the ruling Rassemblement Constitutionnel Démocratique wants to persuade' President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali to stand...

One musketeer

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has again threatened to resign as Kabyle protests mobilise hundreds of thousands of demonstrators and rival power-brokers enfeeble his presidency.

Got your number

Oil industry circles are intrigued by an emerging Libyan-connected oil trading firm registered in Zurich.

Authoritarian urge

It is inconceivable that the seven-year gaol sentence passed by a High State Security Court on 21 May against Saadeddin Ibrahim, a sociologist at the American University in...

The old-timers

Brutality against Kabyle protesters and retired generals cause problems for Boutef

Whatever President Abdelaziz Bouteflika may have achieved during two years in office, it is not peace. Violence continues, involving the Groupe Islamique Armée (GIA) and the Groupe Salafiste...

Unending endgame

Imagination and innovation are needed if a new war is to be prevented

Postponing rather than hoping to solve the Western Sahara problem, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has extended yet again the life of the UN Mission to the...

Go north, Ould Taya!

Domestic concerns take second place as a confident President redraws diplomatic policy

Colonel Maaouiya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya's increasingly assertive foreign policy, based on closer ties to the West - notably the United States and its key ally Israel - and...

Pharaoh speaks

Cairo is trying to coopt Western governments, Algeria and Saudi Arabia into a scheme to present President George W. Bush's new team with a detailed ready-made policy for...

Blasts from the past

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the veteran statesman, stands proud on the international stage. At home, though, he may not have escaped the shackles of the military establishment which put...

Displaying 561-570 out of 647 results.