Vol 43 No 23 | LIBYA Unfinished business 22nd November 2002 Libya has considerable unfinished business to resolve with the West if it hopes to reintegrate into the global economy and avoid further retribution for past misdemeanours.
Vol 43 No 22 | LIBYA Tough nut to crack 8th November 2002 Moammar el Gadaffi wants Silvio Berlusconi to buy him a railway or a road. Then he might just stop bending visitors' ears about Italian abuses during Benito Mussolini's...
Vol 43 No 21 | MOROCCO Jettou set 25th October 2002 King Mohammed VI surprised Moroccans on 9 October by naming industrialist-turned-Interior Minister Driss Jettou as his new Prime Minister.
Vol 43 No 20 | MOROCCO Horse-trading 11th October 2002 Islamist politicians and Francophone analysts agree on one thing, at least: the longer the outgoing coalition partners, the Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires and Parti de l'Istiqlal, wrangle...
Vol 43 No 19 | LIBYA Retirement tent 27th September 2002 Leaders of the Gadaffi family circle and expert committees are quietly discussing plans for a constitution.
Vol 43 No 18 | MAURITANIA Saddam to Sharon 13th September 2002 Arriving from Ethiopia as Africa Confidential went to press, the new Israeli Ambassador to Mauritania Ariel Kerem was summoned to present his credentials the day after landing in...
Vol 43 No 16 | CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICLIBYA Patassé's pals 9th August 2002 President Ange-Félix Patassé has become even more dependent on the protection of Libya and its Bangui garrison, as last month's arrest of Finance Minister Eric Sorongopé-Zoumanji on corruption...
Vol 43 No 16 | EGYPT No go NGO 9th August 2002 As Egypt's government celebrated the 50th anniversary of the coup that toppled King Farouk and brought Gamal Abdel Nasser to power, a state security court handed seven years...
Vol 43 No 15 | MOROCCOSPAIN Everyone likes parsley 26th July 2002 The Parsley Island affair underlined the glacial nature of Rabat-Madrid relations. Spain's continuing occupation of the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, within Morocco, is highly sensitive. The coastal...
Vol 43 No 14 | ALGERIA Bouteflika digs in 12th July 2002 The President is pleased with the polls but hasn't yet won the war Islamist violence and Kabyle protests continue, while Algerian militants feature large in the United States' 'war against terrorism'. Yet President Abdelaziz Bouteflika can feel more secure than ever...