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Displaying 491-500 out of 647 results.

A break with the past

After the freest post-Independence elections, the government faces worsening social divisions and a troubled oil sector

Hopes are high that the 19 April inauguration of Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi as Mauritania's first democratically elected President since Independence in 1960 will prove a break...

Under attack

Algeria's Islamist underground is largely home grown but benefits from foreign attachments

The Algiers bombings of 11 April confirmed that the radical Islamist underground was on the move. For years, it has been confined largely to its strongholds in parts...

Khalifa in court

The celebrities were missing from Algeria's 'trial of the century' at Blida Criminal Court, when Judge Fatiha Brihimi sentenced fugitive banker Rafik Abdelmoumen Khalifa to life imprisonment. The...

The Pharoah's long adieu

President Hosni Mubarak, 78, promises far-reaching constitutional changes in 2007. He also pledges to serve Egypt as long as ‘there is breath in his body’. Obviously,...

No win, no gain

The military regime gets the election result it wanted, with no party strong enough to govern

There was no winner in the parliamentary elections on 19 November, the first since Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall's coup of 3 August 2005 (AC Vol 45 No...

Investigation down under

Woodside Petroleum is Mauritania's largest foreign investor by far. It has sunk around US$1 billion into its Chinguetti offshore project, pumping the only oil between the North Sea...

Pride and prejudice

A row over a pan-African trade bank threatens Cairo's diplomatic and commercial standing

Mild-mannered Ivorian banker Jean-Louis Ekra is an improbable figure to be in the eye of a continental storm. But a diplomatic storm is indeed brewing as the dispute...

Cairo's costly hubris

The dispute over Afreximbank could prove expensive diplomatically and commercially for Egypt. This week Afreximbank began considering legal action against at least one of two state-owned Egyptian banks,...

Displaying 491-500 out of 647 results.