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Displaying 461-470 out of 647 results.

Victory in a vacuum

This time, rigging the election turnout was more important than rigging the vote

Since there was no heavyweight candidate to stand against him, it was little surprise that President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was re-elected with 90.24% of the vote in the 9...

The contenders

According to the official result, confirmed by the Constitutional Council on 14 April, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was re-elected with 90.24% of the vote, from a 74.6% turnout. The...

Hamas and Hezbollah

Last week, President Hosni Mubarak’s government arrested 49 Egyptians, Sudanese and others whom it accuses of forming Hezbollah cells in Egypt, planning attacks on Israeli tourists in Sinai...


Huge numbers of West Africans hope to make a living abroad but find barriers in neighbouring countries and the rich West

The loss of more than 200 lives on 30 March, when a ship carrying African migrants to Europe sank off the coast of Libya, prompted calls for rich...

Libya and its African brothers

The row in Africa over migration weakens progress towards the African Union's aims of the free movement of people, goods and services across the continent, says Albert Ouédraogo,...

    Vol 2 (AAC) No 3 |

Ibrahim Ali Hassan

Assistant Foreign Minister for African Affairs, Egypt

The Assistant Foreign Minister for African Affairs is a fixture at the major Asian development events, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the Tokyo International Conference on African Development. The long-serving...

Reform-minded monarch

King Mohammed is an absolute monarch but paradoxically, he is the region’s most reform-minded head of state.

Mohammed VI will celebrate his first decade as Al Amir al Mouminin (‘Commander of the Faithful’) on 23 July. At 47, ‘M6’ is more than 20 years younger...

The Gadaffi business

The Gadaffis expect to enjoy another generation in power; this is not universally popular

Libya’s Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi who, in 40 years of power, has traded his status as scourge of the United States and self-appointed leader of the Arab resistance...

Rumblings of dissent

Ben Ali's fifth and final term approaches

Like its western neighbour, Tunisia is a prime target for Islamist fighters. President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali (born September 1936) has used the AQIM threat to rationalise...

Displaying 461-470 out of 647 results.