Vol 52 No 8 | ALGERIA Boutef holds back the wave 15th April 2011 Algiers calculates that astute state spending will counter growing political anger at unemployment, corruption and chronic housing shortages The strikes and popular protests across Algeria point to economic and social pressures similar to those that toppled entrenched leaderships elsewhere in North Africa. However, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika...
Vol 52 No 8 | LIBYASOUTH AFRICA Zuma to the shores of Tripoli 15th April 2011 The AU mission to Libya was an abject failure but the South African leader got a chance to catch up with an old pal South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma led an African Union peace mission to Libya on 11 April. The mission quickly fell apart, which did nothing for the AU’s poor...
Vol 52 No 7 | LIBYAAFRICA A family at war 1st April 2011 The tight circle of loyalists around the Gadaffi clan hope their military dominance and diplomatic tactics will derail the rebellion The resilience of Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s regime after ten days of aerial bombardment combined with the military weakness of the opposition groups has prompted Britain, France...
Vol 52 No 7 | LIBYA The opposition breaks cover, slowly 1st April 2011 The West’s new allies in Libya are largely unknown. The most familiar faces to join the revolution include the Ambassador to the United Nations, Abdel Rahman Shalgam, a...
Vol 52 No 7 | EGYPT In command and control 1st April 2011 The generals have won some important tactical victories against the activists of Tahrir Square Six weeks after the military eased out President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak after a mass campaign against his regime, the generals are gradually reasserting their grip on Egypt’s political...
Vol 52 No 7 | WESTERN SAHARAUNITED STATES Hello and good-bye 1st April 2011 Just as United States-based Kosmos Energy is about to launch an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange to finance operations in Ghana’s Jubilee field,...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 5 | LIBYAASIA Beijing and Delhi change tack 31st March 2011 The crisis in Libya is exposing foreign policy contradictions across the world – including among Asia’s rising powers China and India, like many Western and African states, have torn up their diplomatic rule books as the crisis in Libya moves from revolution to civil war. First...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 5 | LIBYAASIA Solid foundations 31st March 2011 Chinese traders in Tripoli are watching closely to see how the Western-led attacks on Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s regime will affect business in the short term. South Korean...
Vol 52 No 6 | EGYPT Ambushing the revolution 18th March 2011 Oppositionists want sweeping constitutional change; the military wants quick fixes to the old constitution, then fresh elections Political tension is rising again over the military’s plans to hold constitutional and presidential elections within six months, a move which would benefit mainly the formerly ruling National...
Vol 52 No 6 | LIBYA Europe's new line on Gadaffi 18th March 2011 As the regime attacks civilians, European states are tearing up their trade deals with Gadaffi and his family The European Union’s decision to freeze the assets of the Central Bank of Libya, the Libyan Investment Authority sovereign fund and other businesses could have serious consequences for Libyan investment...