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Displaying 401-410 out of 647 results.

Castles made of sand

Instability in the Middle East and North Africa has put pressure on China’s non-interference principle, pushing it into more pragmatic territory

Beijing signalled the biggest change in its Africa policy when it decided to accept the National Transitional Council as a negotiating partner in the peace talks between Colonel...

Progress noted

In late June, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its support for the constitutional changes that will allow King Mohammed VI to maintain power while giving...

Rebels edge closer to Tripoli

Running out of options, Gadaffi declared in his birthday speech on 7 June that he would choose ‘death before surrender’

As the rebel war to drive Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi from power stretches out, public support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s intervention is weakening. However, NATO governments...

Reform dilemma

Traditional constituencies linked into the Makhzen system will probably swing the 1 July referendum in favour of King Mohammed VI’s proposed constitutional reforms. Makhzen means that palace and...

Can the King stop the spring?

Astute reforms have held revolution at bay but the monarchy could be running out of time

So far, monarchies have proved more resilient to the democracy wave sweeping North Africa and the Middle East than the nationalist dictatorships, but in Morocco, some business and...

Blue Nile blues

Egypt’s revolution seems to have boosted prospects for a settlement with Ethiopia over the Nile waters dispute. Cairo’s interim Prime Minister, Essam Abdel Aziz Sharaf, made a cordial...

A revolution in the revolution

Activists want the transitional regime to purge the state apparatus and organise free elections this year, and tempers are fraying

After days of running clashes between police and protestors, Prime Minister Béji Caïd Essebsi’s government announced a night-time curfew on 7 May. Along with the country’s politics, the...

Chaos keeps Gadaffi in the game

A humanitarian disaster threatens as the regime struggles to survive

The prevailing chaos in Libya shows what can happen if a popular uprising goes wrong – and where Egypt and Tunisia could have ended up. The number of...

Campaign timetable

King Mohammed VI (‘M6’) seems in little danger of losing his throne. However, the mainly peaceful protests for political change and social justice inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings in...

Displaying 401-410 out of 647 results.