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Displaying 391-400 out of 647 results.

No springtime in Algiers

The ageing elite which supported Gadaffi to keep revolutions at bay now faces much bigger challenges at home

There is no prospect of Algeria’s rulers voluntarily ceding power to a new generation. The Libyan crisis has galvanised them. Much as Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi has been...

Recognised but risky

Transitional National Council leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil had a hero’s welcome at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 20 September but Africa was deeply divided...

The Gadaffi clan scatters

After the collapse of the Colonel’s regime, its successors intensify the hunt for its chieftains and its assets

Reports of Gadaffi family deaths and flights by regime stalwarts to neighbouring countries have been greatly exaggerated but as Africa Confidential went to press, the signs were that...

You can take the Africa out of Libya

Speculation is rife about what Libya’s new rulers will do with Gadaffi’s immense investment portfolio in sub-Saharan Africa

The strange thing about taking over the Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company (Lafico), its head told Africa Confidential some years ago, was just how variable its assets could...

Lobbying on

Just as Mozambique’s Resistência Nacional Moçambicana threatens to return to violence, the man who championed it at the height of its atrocities has surfaced in papers found in...

Gadaffi falls, revolution rises

Declaring victory after six months of war, the new regime in Tripoli has rejuvenated the Arab Spring and may promote political change further south

With its victory over the forces of Moammar el Gadaffi this week, the Transitional National Council (TNC) has proved it has more staying power than suggested by its...

Many more scores to settle

The military makes history by putting one of its own on trial but cannot disguise the regime’s loss of direction

On 3 August, ousted President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak appeared in court, caged and bedridden, alongside his two sons, Alaa el Din and Gamal, to face charges of murder...

Strange alliances

Political parties are talking about a ‘Democratic Alliance’, combining the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) with rival groups such as Al Wafd, Al Ghad and others...

Running on empty

The offensives by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the brave but shambolic Transitional National Council fighters show no sign of overwhelming Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s forces. Fuel...

Displaying 391-400 out of 647 results.