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Displaying 381-390 out of 647 results.

Waiting for a breakthrough

Islamists are manoeuvring to take centre stage in Algeria, where efforts to create a national protest movement have been stifled.

The King’s own Islamists

Morocco's Parti de la justice et du développement (PJD) formed the main opposition in the previous National Assembly and took 107 of its 395 seats in the 25...

Electoral alliances

Egyptians set off on their democratic electoral road using a system designed bythe army and with a confusing 42 or so parties to vote for, 31 formed since...

The struggle for the centre

The new government will have to balance regional and ideological interests and try to mop up a flood of weapons

The election of Abdel Rahim el Keib as Prime Minister, with 26 of 51 votes on the National Transitional Council (NTC) on 31 October, mystified both activists and...

Storm over SA mercenaries in Libya

Ex-soldiers and police officers recruited in Cape Town helped some of Gadaffi’s family escape to Algeria but another team was less successful

Two teams of South African mercenaries are believed to have helped members of the Gadaffi family to escape from Libya and may have tried to save the late...

New rules for a new order

The likely winner of the Constituent Assembly elections is the Islamist party which the deposed autocrat Ben Ali tried to repress

Tunisians kept their affection for constitutional principles and the rule of law throughout the corruption and autocracy that prevailed under President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, whom they...

Generals stall the revolution

The fall of Hosni Mubarak left a vacuum and the army wants to be sure his replacement will protect its interests

The generals who rule in Cairo are well positioned to shape the new political landscape and hold on to their huge financial interests. As economic pressures grow on...

Rebuilding relations

The National Transitional Council (NTC) has finally formed a government, which should kickstart Libya’s reconstruction despite the fact that loyalists to former leader Moammar el Gadaffi are still holding out in Sirte....

Displaying 381-390 out of 647 results.