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Displaying 341-350 out of 647 results.

Democratic hustle

Libya’s rulers will need cajoling and heavy popular pressure before they do what is needed to set up an authoritative central government

Mounting problems of security, economics and social development will hustle democratic Libya’s feeble central government and half-formed state institutions into action on several fronts in 2013. However, this...

A country polarised

The President’s enforcement of his power over the judiciary paves the way for a new constitution and a dangerously divided country

If the referendum on Egypt’s new constitution goes ahead as planned on 15 December and wins a majority, it will mark a political victory for President Mohamed Mursi...

Tax threat to IMF deal

The uproar caused by President Mohamed Mursi’s declaration of full powers on 22 November threatens Egypt’s efforts to mobilise funds from the International Monetary Fund and other donors...

Wilting jasmine

Two years after Ben Ali’s fall, the lack of social and economic progress is fuelling disenchantment with the government

Many of the post-revolution politicians are gaining a reputation for fiddling while parts of Tunisia burn. Riots in late November and early December in Siliana saw over 250...

Unity under strain

As the forces pulling Libya apart strengthen, the government makes strategic blunders and cannot make progress on the constitution

Having departed from the overly ambitious roadmap set out in 2011’s Constitutional Declaration, Libya’s elected representatives cannot decide on a replacement and are mired in indecision. The consequence...

Egyptians return in search of gold

Last August, Egyptian billionaire Naguib Onsi Sawiris, 58, bought La Mancha Resources, owner of 40% of Sudan’s Ariab Mining Company. Naguib is a Coptic Christian and telecommunications captain...

No spring in the step

Popular discontent remains widespread but unfocused. The looming presidential succession may sharpen choices and increase tension

Many Algerians feel that 50 years of independence have left them with little worth celebrating. Yet while dozens of protests about housing, job shortages and other grievances take...

Alger, la Chinoise

Chinese companies are displacing European powers in African countries where ties were considered to be strongest, and China is set to become Algeria’s largest trading partner ahead...

Aziz’s power game

President Abdel Aziz uses the threat of jihadist forces as a way of fending off pressure to hold elections and make concessions to opposition parties

President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz is navigating a delicate course across the region’s geopolitical minefield. Mauritania is not a member of the Economic Community of West African States...

Displaying 341-350 out of 647 results.