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Displaying 311-320 out of 647 results.

Abdel Aziz plays it safe

The President will hold the political ring while coopting minor politicians and parties, but he’s keeping out of the regional operation in Mali

Although the ruling Union pour la République suffered setbacks in some smaller regions in last year’s general election, it has consolidated its grip and still monopolises the political...

Consolidation is the goal

The political calendar is crowded as the forces that took control of the state and ousted Mursi seek to strengthen their position

Egyptian electors will be called to the ballot box at least three times in 2014, to approve the new constitution, elect a president and choose a single-chamber parliament....

Secrets of the dam builder

Sudan has now thrown its weight behind the Millennium Dam, at a time when curiosity about the contractor, Salini, was already growing

As Egyptian, Ethiopian and Sudanese ministers sat down to discuss the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on 9 December, one item was notably absent from the agenda. The role...

Shoring up regional support

After a period of defiant independence, Addis Ababa has now, belatedly perhaps, built strong diplomatic support behind the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Before the joint meeting of the...

Vote on constitution nears

Liberals hope democracy can co-exist with a military insulated from scrutiny but many lawyers wonder about the flaws in the new legal framework

Egypt’s draft constitution has been handed to President Adly Mahmud Mansour for formal signing, after the 50-member drafting panel approved it on 1 December. A simple majority referendum...

Cape to Cairo, again

Agrogate, an Egyptian private equity group, hopes to start work this month on a hard-top road in Sudan, the 362 kilometre Dongola-Toshke (Argeen) Highway, which will link the...

Little leadership and less oil

Ali Zeidan has kept his grip on the premiership but financial pressures, oil blockades and secession threats in the east and south are crowding in

The recent failure of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Justice and Construction Party (JCP) and its allies to remove Prime Minister Ali Zeidan – whether via a vote of the...

Smart bomb for subsidies

The smart-card fuel rationing system is about to be launched, says a Finance Ministry source. The government of ex-President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak conceived the scheme and ex-President Mohamed...

Gulf states to the rescue

Massive aid to the military-backed regime from Saudi Arabia and its allies could help dampen political tension after the ousting of President Mursi

The economy is still struggling on many fronts but some indicators look healthier, thanks largely to over US$8 billion of aid from Gulf Arab governments since the army...

Neither military nor Mursi

Activists from the 2011 revolution are struggling to organise a political alternative to the dominant military and its Islamist adversaries

Left-wingers and other secularists are trying to remobilise the revolutionary spirit of January 2011 and on 24 September they formed an opposition alliance, the Jebhat Tariq el Thawra...

Displaying 311-320 out of 647 results.