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Vol 41 No 2

Published 21st January 2000


Not yet endgame

Western support for the MPLA and its war against UNITA is running at an all-time high

The government's military victories have perked up President José Eduardo dos Santos. In fine form for a millennium address to diplomats on 17 January, he wooed investors and promised economic and human rights reforms once the war was won. That promise may cheer up his backers in the United States, whose help seems to have been crucial to the setbacks suffered by Jonas Savimbi and his União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola. Western support for the Dos Santos government is at an all-time high. British, French and US oil companies are falling over each other to buy a stake in the fast growing oil sector, due to double production to over 1.2 million barrels a day within five years.

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