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Vol 55 No 17

Published 29th August 2014


Women and children first

As the party admits Grace Mugabe to its pantheon, the ZANU-PF Women’s and Youth Leagues have muddied the succession

The outcome of the governing party's all-important elective congress in December looks no clearer after the rival factions jostled for positions at the Youth and Women's Leagues conferences this month. The hopes of some activists within the governing Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front for some clarity about the succession to President Robert Mugabe have been thwarted again. Vice-President Joice Mujuru and her camp have lost momentum in the succession race to her chief rival, Justice Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, although he failed to secure a clear advantage as a third faction appears to be developing. Vice-President Mujuru gained some ground in the Youth League but the imposition of the First Lady, Grace Mugabe, as the new leader of the Women's League has upset both Mujuru's and Mnangagwa's calculations.

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