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Vol 39 No 6

Published 20th March 1998


Union is strength

As President Mugabe's credibility fades, a union leader looks like the coming man

The lifts at Chester House on Speke Avenue in Harare no longer run up to the tenth floor, where the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions has its head office. They stop at the ninth, and visitors must pass a security guard before they reach the reception desk. This safeguard has been introduced since 11 December, when five men and two women walked into the office of the ZCTU’s Secretary General, Morgan Tsvangirai, and beat him up, two days after the ZCTU had organised a huge and peaceful demonstration against the government’s economic policies. The assailants have not been traced by the police. Tsvangirai suspects a political motive: ‘How do seven people just disappear into thin air?’, he asks.

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