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Vol 55 No 3

Published 7th February 2014


Renamo conflict escalates

The disgruntled rebels’ attacks are taking on the aspect of an insurgency but it seems that President Guebuza is in no hurry to settle the dispute

The political and military situation is deteriorating as the rebellion by the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana looks increasingly like a serious civil conflict. Armed violence began last April and looked symbolic. Now, however, Renamo has the initiative, extending its attacks into more areas and exposing the government’s inability to stop them. President Armando Guebuza’s strategy of down-playing the conflict while going for a military solution and deferring serious peace talks is now in tatters. As the political costs mount for the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique, Frelimo leaders are trying to loosen Guebuza’s grip so as to change direction and halt the slide to greater violence – and disaster at the polls.

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